2024 • Ayoub, A; Segre, PS; Hickmott, L; Warren, JD; Chiang, G; Bahamonde, P; and A Bocconcelli. Feeding behavior of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) during austral summer in northern Chilean Patagonia. Ethology, Ecology, & Evolution.
2024 • Fish, FE; Nicastro, AJ; Cardenas, KL; Segre, PS; Gough, WT; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Leger, JS; and JA Goldbogen. Spin-leap performance by cetaceans is influenced by moment of inertia. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2024 • Ryan, C; Martins, MCI; Healy, K; Bejder, L; Cerchio, S; Christiansen, F; Durban, J; Fearnbach, H; Fortune, S; Friedlaender A et al. Morphology of nares associated with stereo-olfaction in baleen whales. Biology Letters.
2023 • Videsen, KA; Simon, M; Christiansen, F; Friedlaender, A; Goldbogen, J; Malte, H; Segre, P; Wang, T; Johnson, M; and PT Madsen. Cheap gulp foraging of a giga-predator enables efficient exploitation of sparse prey. Science Advances.
2023 • Segre, PS; Martin, J; Irschick, DJ; and JA Goldbogen. A three-dimensional, dynamic blue whale model for research and scientific communication. Marine Mammal Science.
2022 • Segre, PS; Gough, WT; Roualdes, EA; Cade, DE; Czapanskiy, MF; Fahlbusch, J; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Oestreich, WK; Bejder, L; Bierlich, KC et al. Scaling of maneuvering performance in baleen whales: larger whales outperform expectations. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2022 • Segre, PS; di Clemente, J; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Gough, WT; Meÿer, MA; Lombard, AT; Goldbogen, JA; and GS Penry. High‐speed chases along the seafloor put Bryde's whales at risk of entanglement. Conservation Science and Practice.
2021 • Savoca, MS; Czapanskiy, MF; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Gough, WT; Fahlbusch, J; Bierlich, KC; Segre, PS; di Clemente, J; Penry, GS; Wiley, D et al. Baleen whale prey consumption based on high resolution foraging measurements. Nature.
2021 • Gough, WT; Smith, HJ; Savoca, MS; Czapanskiy, MF; Fish, FE; Potvin, J; Bierlich, KC; Cade, DE; di Clemente, J; Kennedy, J; Segre, PS et al. Scaling of oscillatory kinematics and Froude efficiency in baleen whales. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2021 • Segre, PS; Weir, CR; Stanworth, A; Cartwright, S; Friedlaender, AS; and JA Goldbogen. Biomechanically distinct filter-feeding behaviors distinguish sei whales as a functional intermediate and ecologically flexible species. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2021 • Czapanskiy, MF; Savoca, MS; Gough, WT; Segre, PS; Wisniewska, DM; Cade, DE; and JA Goldbogen. Modelling short‐term energetic costs of sonar disturbance to cetaceans using high‐resolution foraging data. Journal of Applied Ecology.
2020 • Caruso, F; Hickmot, L; Warren, JD; Segre, PS; Chiang, G; Bahamonde, P; Español-Jiménez, S; Li, S; and A. Bocconcelli.
Diel differences in blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) dive behavior increases nighttime risk of ship strikes in northern Chilean Patagonia. Journal of Integrative Zoology.
2020 • Dakin, R; Segre, PS; and DL Altshuler. Individual variability and the biomechanics of maneuvering flight in hummingbirds. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2020 • Kahane-Rapport, SR; Savoca, MS; Cade, DE; Segre, PS; Bierlich, KC; Calambokidis, JA; Dale, J; Friedlaender, AS; Johnston, DW; Werth, AJ; and JA Goldbogen. Lunge filter feeding biomechanics constrain rorqual foraging ecology across scale. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2020 • Segre, PS; Potvin, J; Cade, DE; Calambokidis, J; Di Clemente, J; Fish, FE; Friedlaender, AS; Gough, WT; Kahane-Rapport, SR; Oliveira, C et al. Energetic and physical limitations on the breaching performance of large whales. eLife.
2019 • Goldbogen, JA; Cade, DE; Wisniewska, DM; Potvin, J; Segre, PS; Savoca, MS; Hazen, EL; Czapanskiy, MF; Kahane-Rapport, SR; DeRuiter, SL et al. Why whales are big but not bigger: physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants. Science.
2019 • Gough, WT; Segre, PS; Bierlich, KC; Cade, DE; Potvin, J; Fish, FE; Dale, J; di Clemente, J; Friedlaender, AS; Johnston, DW et al. Scaling of swimming performance in the largest animals. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2019 • Friedlaender, AS; Bowers, MT; Cade, DE; Hazen, EL; Stimpert, AK; Allen, AN; Calambokidis, J; Fahlbusch, J; Segre, PS; Visser, F et al. The advantages of diving deep: fin whales double their energy intake by targeting deep krill patches. Functional Ecology.
2019 • Segre, PS and ED Taylor+. Large ants do not carry their fair share: maximal load
carrying performance of leaf-cutter ants (Atta cephalotes). Journal of Experimental Biology.
2018 • Segre, PS; Cade, DE; Calambokidis, J; Fish, FE; Friedlaender, AS; Potvin, J; and JA Goldbogen. Body flexibility enhances maneuverability in the world’s largest predator. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
2018 • Segre, PS and AI Banet. The origin of avian flight: finding common ground. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
2018 • Dakin, R*, Segre, PS*, Straw, AD; and DL Altshuler. Morphology, muscle capacity, skill and maneuvering ability in hummingbirds. Science.
2018 • Segre, PS; Bocconcelli, A; Hickmott, LS; Howes, G; Warren, JD; and G Chiang. Offshore hummingbird sightings in Chilean Patagonia. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
2017 • Goller, B; Segre, PS; Middleton, KM; Dickinson, MH; and DL Altshuler. Visual sensory signals dominate tactile cues during docked feeding in hummingbirds. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
2017 • Saddler, MR; Bocconcelli, A; Hickmott, LS; Chiang, G; Landea-Briones, R; Bahamonde, PA; Howes, G; Segre, PS; and LS Sayigh. Characterizing Chilean blue whale vocalizations with DTAGs: a test of using tag accelerometers for caller identification. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2017 • Skandalis, DA; Segre, PS; Bahlman, JW; Groom, D; Welch Jr; KC; Witt, CC; McGuire, JA; Dudley, R; Lentink, D; and DL Altshuler. Individual performance and the biomechanical origin of extreme wing allometry in hummingbirds. Nature Communications.
2017 • Goldbogen, JA; Cade, DE; Boersma A; Calambokidis, J; Kahane-Rapport, S; Segre, PS; Stimpert, AS; and AS Friedlander. Using digital tags with integrated video and inertial sensors to study moving morphology and associated behavior in large aquatic vertebrates. Anatomical Review.
2017 • Segre, PS; Seakamela, SM; Meÿer, MA; Findlay, KP; and JA. Goldbogen. Flapping flippers: evidence for a hydrodynamically active flipper-stroke in humpback whales. Current Biology.
2017 • Goldbogen, JA; Cade, DE; Calambokidis, J; Friedlaender, AS; Potvin, J; Segre, PS; and AJ Werth. How baleen whales feed: the biomechanics of engulfment and filtration. Annual Review of Marine Science.
2016 • Segre, PS*, Dakin, R*, Read, TJG, and DL Altshuler. Mechanical constraints on flight at high elevation decrease maneuvering performance. Current Biology.
2016 • Segre, PS; Cade, DE; Fish, FE; Potvin, J; Allen, AN; Calambokidis, J; Friedlaender, AS; and JA Goldbogen. Hydrodynamic properties of fin whale flippers predict maximum rolling performance. J. of Experimental Biology.
2016 • Read, TJG*, Segre, PS*, Middleton, KM; and DL Altshuler. Hummingbirds control turning velocity with body orientation and turning radius with asymmetrical wingbeat kinematics. J. Royal Soc. Interface.
2015 • Segre, PS; Dakin, R; Zordan, VB; Dickinson, MH; Straw, AD; and DL Altshuler. Burst muscle performance predicts the speed, acceleration, and turning performance of hummingbirds. eLife.
2015 • Altshuler, DL; Bahlman, JW; Dakin, R; Gaede, AH; Goller, B; Lentink, D; Segre, PS; and DA Skandalis. The biophysics of bird flight: functional relationships integrate aerodynamics, morphology, kinematics, muscles and sensors. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
2012 • Pournazeri, S*, Segre, PS*, Princevac, M and DL Altshuler. Hummingbirds generate bilateral vortex loops during hovering: evidence from flow visualization. Experiments in Fluids.
2012 • Altshuler, DL; Quicazán-Rubio, EM; Segre, PS and KM Middleton. Wingbeat kinematics and motor control of yaw turns in Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna). J. of Experimental Biology.
2009 • Jackson, BE; Dial, KP; and PS Segre. Precocial development of anti-predator locomotor performance in a ground-dwelling bird species (Alectoris chukar). Proc. Royal Soc. B.
2008 • Dial, KP; Jackson, BE; and PS Segre. A fundamental avian wing-stroke provides a new perspective on the evolution of flight. Nature.
* denotes shared first-authorship
+ denotes undergraduate co-author